What is Blockchain Technology- HOW IT WORKS AND ITS TYPES

                                  Blockchain Technology 

Blockchain seems complicated, and it definitely are often , but its core concept is basically quite simple. A blockchain may be a sort of database. To be ready to understand blockchain, it helps to first understand what a database actually is.

A database may be a collection of data that's stored electronically on a computing system . Information, or data, in databases is usually structured in table format to permit it for easier searching and filtering for specific information. what's the difference between someone employing a spreadsheet to store information instead of a database?

Spreadsheets are designed for one person, or a little group of individuals , to store and access limited amounts of data . In contrast, a database is meant to deal with significantly larger amounts of data which will be accessed, filtered, and manipulated quickly and simply by any number of users directly .

Larger databases achieve this by housing data on servers that are made from powerful computers. These servers can sometimes be built using hundreds or thousands of computers so as to possess the computational power and storage capacity necessary for several users to access the database simultaneously. While a spreadsheet or database could also be accessible to any number of individuals , it's often owned by a business and managed by an appointed person who has complete control over how it works and therefore the data within it.

Types of Blockchains

There are primarily two sorts of blockchains ; Private and Public blockchain. However, there are several variations too, like Consortium and Hybrid blockchains. Before we get into details of the various sorts of blockchains, allow us to first learn what similarities do they share. Every blockchain consists of a cluster of nodes working on a peer-to-peer (P2P) network system. Every node during a network features a copy of the shared ledger which gets updated timely. Each node can verify transactions, initiate or receive transactions and make blocks.

Now let’s have a glance intimately about the four sorts of blockchains that are possible.

1. Public Blockchain

A public blockchain may be a non-restrictive, permission-less distributed ledger system. Anyone who has access to the web can check in on a blockchain platform to become a licensed node and be a neighborhood of the blockchain network. A node or user which may be a part of the general public blockchain is permitted to access current and past records, verify transactions or do proof-of-work for an incoming block, and do mining. the foremost basic use of public blockchains is for mining and exchanging cryptocurrencies. Thus, the foremost common public blockchains are Bitcoin and Litecoin blockchains. Public blockchains are mostly secure if the users strictly follow security rules and methods. However, it's only risky when the participants don’t follow the safety protocols sincerely.

Example: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin

2. Private Blockchain

A private blockchain may be a restrictive or permission blockchain operative only during a closed network. Private blockchains are usually used within a corporation or enterprises where only selected members are participants of a blockchain network. The extent of security, authorisations, permissions, accessibility is within the hands of the controlling organisation. Thus, private blockchains are similar in use as a public blockchain but have a little and restrictive network. Private blockchain networks are deployed for voting, supply chain management, digital identity, asset ownership, etc.

Examples of private blockchains are; Multichain and Hyperledger projects (Fabric, Sawtooth), Corda, etc.

3. Consortium Blockchain

A consortium blockchain may be a semi-decentralised type where quite one organisation manages a blockchain network. This is often contrary to what we saw during a private blockchain, which is managed by only one organisation. Quite one organisation can act as a node during this sort of blockchain and exchange information or do mining. Consortium blockchains are typically employed by banks, government organisations, etc.

Examples of consortium blockchain are; Energy Web Foundation, R 3, etc.

4. Hybrid Blockchain

A hybrid blockchain may be a combination of the private and public blockchain. It uses the features of both sorts of blockchains that's one can have a personal permission-based system also as a public permission-less system. With such a hybrid network, users can control who gets access to which data stored within the blockchain. Only a specific section of knowledge or records from the blockchain are often allowed to travel public keeping the remainder as confidential within the private network. The hybrid system of blockchain is flexible in order that users can easily join a personal blockchain with multiple public blockchains. A transaction during a private network of a hybrid blockchain is typically verified within that network. But users also can release it within the public blockchain to urge verified. The general public blockchains increase the hashing and involve more nodes for verification. This enhances the safety and transparency of the blockchain network.

Example of a hybrid blockchain is Dragonchain.

How Does Blockchain Technology Work?

In recent years, you'll have noticed many businesses around the world integrating Blockchain technology. But how exactly does Blockchain technology work? Is this a big change or an easy addition? The advancements of Blockchain are still young and have the potential to be revolutionary within the future; So, let’s begin demystifying this technology.

Blockchain may be a combination of three leading technologies:

  1. Cryptographic keys
  2. A peer-to-peer network containing a shared ledger
  3. A means of computing, to store the transactions and records of the network

Cryptography keys contains two keys – Private key and Public key. These keys help in performing successful transactions between two parties. Each individual has these two keys, which they use to supply a secure digital identity reference. This secured identity is that the most vital aspect of Blockchain technology within the world of cryptocurrency, this identity is mentioned as ‘digital signature’ and is employed for authorising and controlling transactions.

The digital signature is merged with the peer-to-peer network; an outsized number of people who act as authorities use the digital signature so as to succeed in a consensus on transactions, among other issues. Once they authorise a deal, it's certified by a mathematical verification, which ends up during a successful secured transaction between the 2 network-connected parties. So to sum it up, Blockchain users employ cryptography keys to perform differing types of digital interactions over the peer-to-peer network.

Blockchain Developer Salary in India 

The salary of blockchain developers varies counting on several factors like job location, company, number of years experience, skills and the roles during this domain are increasing at the speed of 2000-6000%. The blockchain developers salary in India is seen to be 50-100% above other developer jobs. 

On a broad scale, the salary ranges between 5,00,000-30,00,000 LPA counting on the varied factors mentioned above. 

The average salary in India is ₹801,938 once a year . With three years of labor experience, a blockchain developer can expect to receive on the brink of ₹45,00,000 annually. A blockchain developers average salary in Europe is $73,300 while the typical within the US is $136,000. 

Wish to realise insights about your salary v/s peers, compare your salary growth in 5 & 10 years and see how you'll earn more? Inspect Great Learning’s Salary Builder now!

How to become a blockchain developer?

More Indian companies have joined the blockchain technology bandwagon. Since there's a big gap between the amount of jobs available and therefore the number of skilled professionals during this field, now would be an excellent time to upskill. The primary thing you want to do is learn the essential skills required and therefore the tools employed by a blockchain developer. If you understand the core concept, it becomes easier to maneuver forward within the field. Learn the method of the technology, and learn programming languages like C, C++, Python. This may be very helpful once you are required to perform coding activities. Blockchain may be a fairly newer field to figure in, but the chance to achieve success is higher also . 

Continue to upgrade your skills and knowledge, this may allow recruiters to understand that you simply are the proper fit their company. If you're trying to find a free course, you'll enrol in Great Learning Academy’s free online Blockchain Basics Course today and unlock your dream career.


Blockchain technology is revolutionary. it'll make life simpler and safer, changing the way personal information is stored and the way transactions permanently and services are made. Blockchain technology creates a permanent and immutable record of each transaction. This impenetrable digital ledger makes fraud, hacking, data theft, and knowledge loss impossible. The technology will affect every industry within the world, including manufacturing, retail, transportation, healthcare, and land Companies as Google, IBM, Microsoft, American Express, Walmart, Nestle, Chase, Intel, Hitachi, and Dole are all working to become early adopters of blockchain. Nearly $400 trillion across various industries is about to be transformed by blockchain.

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